Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Using Technical Writing to Communicate

Technical writing is one of the most underrated skills in business communications.  

Aimed at conveying highly technical and complex information into an easy-to-read, understandable format for the most basic of readers, the technique is reliable when it comes to creating user manuals, company procedures, brochures, web content, etc.

Demand for technical writers is expected to go up in areas such as law, medicine, and economics.  But, one thing is for certain.  As rapid growth and changes in the high-tech and electronics industries increase, so will the need for employees and customers to be informed, trained, and instructed through manuals, guides, and other materials.

Types of technical writing documents:
  • User Manuals - Aimed at outlining procedures for performing particular tasks;
  • Training Guides - Documentation that provides employees or customers how to use products or systems;
  • Procedures Manuals - Provides employees "standard operating procedures" for performing routine, everyday tasks;
  • White Papers - Documentation that explains how a system or product operates in a marketplace.
As you grow your business, consider Oevae and Mundial Communications to create usable and lasting documents along with a streamlined online presence to showcase your product or system.

Make a brand difference.™


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