Sunday, February 13, 2022

Asking Customers for Google Reviews

Updated MON JUL 31 2023

One of the best marketing strategies for growing your business is to get customers to spread the word about your business and recommend your products and services at will aka word of mouth.  And it turns out that asking a customer for a Google Review while they are present is probably the best opportunity for you to receive a review from them. In order for this strategy to work, rehearse and tailor the phrases for asking customers for Google reviews below. Then use your customized "Asking Customers for Google Reviews" phrase when the moment is right. Making this simple adjustment to your Google Reviews marketing strategy, and making it a staple of your natural commentary with customers and clients can be extremely effective when adhered to.

Realistically speaking, customer review aggregation is no easy feat – without your prompting, a happy customer has no incentive to leave a positive review for prospective customers to see. Meanwhile, unsatisfied customers might leave a bad review, scaring off a potential customer.

Ideas for getting Google reviews from your customers

Asking at the right time is vital. Clients may rave about you in person, providing a natural momentum for you or your employees to ask:

"Do you mind taking a minute to share your feedback on Google reviews right now?"

"Will you help us offer the same service you received by leaving us a Google review online right now?"

"Since you had such a great experience, would you mind taking some time to leave us a review on Google? We've made it super easy for you. Just scan this QR code."

"Your opinion matters to us. Would you take a minute to review your experience during your visit? Just scan this QR code."

"We're glad to be of help. We strive to [what the customer is praising you for]. Thank you for taking the time to share your feedback on Google reviews."

"How did we do? Review your experience with us at Google Reviews!"

Getting a customer review whenever they have already left?

Adding a post-purchase/post-transaction follow-up via email as part of the "Customer Review aggregation," which we can send to customers along with the "thank you for your business." All we need is the customer's email address.  

But you won't get more positive reviews unless you ask for them. However, a 2019 BrightLocal study indicated that 76% of consumers asked to leave feedback did it.

Mobile searches for "best" and "reviews" have increased by 80% and 35%, respectively, in the past few years. And according to recent research, asking for reviews produces higher average review scores of 4.34 out of 5. In contrast, unprompted reviews average 3.89 out of 5.

Prove to consumers that what you're offering is worth it.

Unless you're spending advertising dollars to tell consumers how great your brand is, people won't know if what you're offering is worth their time and money. Google reviews solve this problem because customers share their experiences for free, which according to our research, is very affordable.

Consumers' sudden reliance on online shopping coupled with a decrease in people's trust in advertising (83% don't trust advertisements) means brands can't afford to not be in control of their reviews and those reviews' value to marketing. Review data shows brands what consumers are saying in their own words, without lag time. Those insights directly and accurately inform marketers to craft a customized online environment tailored to engage consumers, raise conversions, and increase sales.

Customers regard brands as more than product or service providers: they form value-based and emotional relationships with each one. Customer feedback is an integral part of that relationship, with hundreds of thousands of customers sharing their thoughts in Google reviews, Facebook, Yelp, and other websites.

The FTC (The Federal Trade Commission) proposed a new rule to stop marketers from using illicit review and endorsement practices such as using fake reviews, suppressing honest negative reviews, and paying for positive reviews, which deceive consumers looking for real feedback on a product or service and undercut honest businesses. Examples of clearly deceptive practices involving consumer reviews and testimonials from its past cases, and noted the widespread emergence of generative AI, which is likely to make it easier for bad actors to write fake reviews.

Customers who post Google reviews don’t only talk about products, they talk about how these products fit into their lives. In essence, they talk about who they are—from simple likes and dislikes to lifestyle preferences.

Prepare your POS for asking customers for a Google Review, and stay on the forefront of technology with a QR Code table tent seen below.

  • 91% of people regularly or occasionally read online reviews, while 84% trust reviews as much as a personal recommendation.
  • Online reviews influence 95% of consumers for their purchases.
  • 73% of consumers think written reviews are more important than star and number ratings. customer Google reviews website integration

Isn't it time to put your Google review skit into practice? You've likely perused Google reviews before you purchase, so it's logical to assume consumers do the same as you before buying.

Once you have accrued a few Google reviews, can help you integrate your reviews on your website, email, and other marketing communications like QR codes. 

Make a brand difference.™


Online Reviews Statistics and Trends: A 2022 Report by ReviewTrackers

How Much Are Online Reviews Actually Worth?

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